They are known for their genius brains, findings that affect the world. In addition they are also popular because of quirky, a little crazy, and full of controversy. Who are they? Here are 10 most insane scientist by

1. Albert Einstein

Parodies, cartoons and comics about Einstein are made to the present day. Starting from a chaotic hair or facial expression that made "stick its" or a theory though. Indisputable inventor of the theory of relativity has been so celebrity world of science. Even his name synonymous with the word genius and madness itself.
2. Leonardo da Vinci

Following the popularity of Einstein is the Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci Code novel, a comic character, the issue that he is gay is evidence that the Italian artist and scientist is indeed very popular. He is also known to be very quirky. His legacy in the form of a sketch book stacks, various applications of technology, machinery, still enduring of all time.
3. Nikola Tesla

If that is, his name was known as a rock group. Actually fit, because the inventor of wireless radio and the AC generator is starting at the end of the electric era of the 19th century and early 20th centuries. Tesla considered crazy because he dared to demonstrate how to use his body as a conductor of electricity.
4. James Lovelock

Known as environmental scientist and inventor of the Gaia hypothesis. The concept of climate change are now a lot of people have diusungnya fuss since a few decades ago. The man was born in 1919 had predicted that by 2100 will occur on 80 percent of the mass death of mankind. Wow! Was also be proven?
5. Jack Parsons

Jack Parsons is known as one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. But surely he is also busy practicing magic and calling himself the Antichrist. He was never a formal education but was able to develop rocket fuel and successfully deliver the United States into the sky during World War II. Tragically, Parsons shot himself to death in his laboratory in 1952.
6. Richard Feynman

He was part of the genius developer of the atomic bomb. Feynman became one of the most important scientists in the late 20th century. Besides being known as a professor, he also likes to explore music, studied nature and Mayan hieroglyphics.
7. Freeman Dyson

In 1960, Dyson spawned the idea that the future of mankind would have to design an artificial shell called Dyson Sphere. The shell around the solar system and maximum use of solar energy. At that time he was considered a dreamer of science fiction. He also believes the existence of life on other planets. He says humans will interact with the space aliens in the coming decades.
8. Robert Oppenheimer

Dubbed as the father of the atomic bomb, men born in 1904 also has a socialist political views. He had a special interest in Hindu culture and Sanskrit language and the Netherlands. Shirley, answering so familiar, like to quote the book of the Bhagavad Gita.
9. Wernher von Braun

At the age of 12 years, Braun blow toy with fireworks warehouse. From there comes the idea of developing a rocket. Eventually he was appointed as the leader of Hitler's rocket program. Apparently he was also interested in the moon and space exploration. In his spare time between Braun also enjoys reading philosophy and occasionally play scuba diving.
10. Johann Konrad Dippel

Born and raised in the castle Frankenstein, Germany, Dippel known as the inventor of synthetic chemicals called Prussian Blue. He claimed to have created a fluid eternal life. Reportedly, the experiment was inspired by the character corresponding to the name of the castle where he was born, Franskenstein.
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